Tuesday, 24 February 2015

What does it take to get you excited?

Some who know me well say it takes a bit to get me excited. This is generally true but sometimes it doesn't take much. My football team kicking goals and winning games springs to mind. In education of you combine the words team, maths, collaboration and planning then that would do it too. The often maligned maths departments of schools, especially secondary schools, don't often inspire feelings of excitement in some school leaders but for me they are the best. You've just got to understand them!

So this afternoon I got excited. I had the opportunity to show the use of Google apps in curriculum planning to the maths tram. There was docs, drive, links, sites, activities, standards, possibilities, byod and maths. The people got it. They understood how they could pull together all the great stuff they were already doing and present it in a cohesive, professional manner. They just needed convincing they were already nearly there.

Oh, it's such a joyous thing when the stars align. All the work still needs to be done but the seed is planted and now we need to call for backup. It's important that the people who work behind the scene are on board and can see your big picture too. So now there's a few conversations to be had, a few things to organise and a backup plan if things don't happen according to the timeline. There's enough expertise in the team to ride the bumps. I always believe that you just need to find the strengths of the people in the team and then let them do their stuff. You all know just need to know where you are going.

I've been at my new school for 4 weeks and have been going about my business quietly. It takes some time to suss out how things work and know what you can do to help. It takes time for people to get to know you too. But the opportunity has arisen and now I'm super excited.
What does it take to get you excited in your workplace?

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