No, this isn't a request for a job! In June I'll be heading to New Zealand to stay for about 12 weeks. It's all part of my big adventure this year and an unexpected opportunity. A very good friend of mine has a sister who lives there and I'm going to be house sitting for her while she and her husband go to Europe. I'm looking forward to it immensely and hope it will be a time for quiet, peace and space.
While there though I thought I might do a bit of relief teaching to help fund any travels I might do. I am connected to people in NZ through Twitter and through having spent a fabulous week at ICOT 2013 in Wellington. I'm hoping to have a chance to visit some schools and perhaps catch up with my social media 'friends'.
To work in NZ for an aussie isn't a big deal. Head over there and find a job but to work as a teacher there's a few hoops to jump through. Our countries have a 'Mutual Recognition' policy so it's a matter of filling in forms, getting documents together and putting together a profile of myself and my ability to teach before I can be registered.
Every time I think I've got things ready to send off I find something else I need to do. It is a fairly strict process even though the mutual recognition is there. I've been thinking about this process as I gather my evidence and it makes me wonder why wouldn't my registration in Victoria be enough? I feel a little affronted at some of the things I needed to do but on reflection isn't this just the standard we want for our on schools. Any school wants the best teachers they can get to teach their children. Despite the sometimes endless stream of documentation needed I understand completely why most of this documentation is necessary.
I'm looking forward to my time in NZ and I hope to meet up with many of you who are taking part in #28daysofwriting. I jut hope they accept me and approve my application if I ever get it completed! I don't expect to teach a lot and perhaps not at all but it'll be good to know I have options once I get there. And any chance to see a different school environment has to benefit my professional learning.
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